Fairbanks Youth Advocates Board Meeting
June 19,2012, 5:00-7:05
Roll Call:
Present: Patrick Endres, Dave Miller, Brad Johnston, Danny Bramer, Kathy Birch, Barbara Tyndall, Rilene Ann, Rodney Gaskins (Rescue Mission)
Ed/PD Marylee Bates, Dave Bates
Absent: Sarah Finnell
Welcome to Rilene Ann to the FYA Board
May Minutes: Patrick, Danny (MSP)
Unfinished Business:
Fundraising ideas:
June/July Markets—Marylee reported that this is friend-raising, not fundraising; There are many stories and community connections being made. $95 worth of rosettes were sold last week. The Vistas are collecting names and connections; a clip board is available for folks to sign.
September: Sleep-Out (Thirst Youth Group—city-wide youth group)
Thirst wants to take this over since this is a theme for them. Pledges are collected for youth to spend night for FYA.
November: National RHY (Runaway Homeless Youth) Rodney suggested we talk to schools since this is a national event. Let them know how much is needed per youth. Provide low numbers for everyone to give. Danny and Rilene will research some of the costs and statistics that we can disseminate and use for partnering with our community on behalf of these youth. We will educate on making folks aware of the problem and let them know the problem is not just ours. There is a need to bombard the community on how important this issue is. Use News Miner to let folks know and write public thank you for even small donations. Use radio stations; PSA rotations. Can put a face to a story and put in the TV PSA rotations. Make these connections now. Start writing these now—15 to 30 seconds.
Monologues may be used in conjunction with the Candlight Vigil in November or postponed until a later date.
February: Project Run-Away—clothing run way; sewing contests; perhaps making it an annual event. A silent auction was suggested. May get teams to compete on making clothing. Patrick thought this idea might only attract younger people. Rodney said we need an annual event to tap businesses once a year. He said February is a good month because it is early in the business cycle and other non profits are not doing anything at this time.
Video: Danny asked about progress on an informational video. It is still in the discussion stage.
Donations: Danny suggested we need to offer monthly donations instead of just lump sum donations on-line. Rodney said we also ask the question: “Why do you give?” “Why us?” Shows us who our audience is and helps us market.
Retreat: Dates are still being decided. The focus will be our Constituency Model, board training, team building, and brainstorming. It was suggested that it should last about 4-6 hours. Dave M. suggested we make the window smaller to cover needed topics and also make it incredibly convenient and comfortable—not far out somewhere. August 25-26 was suggested for a breakfast meeting; 8am to 1pm. Members need to check their calendars and confirm if the date is acceptable for them.
Board Officers:
Patrick, Dave (MSP) to elect Danny Bramer vice president of FYA
Danny, Patrick (MSP) to elect Barb Tyndall secretary of FYA
Our Identity—Patrick, Brad (MSP) to proceed with paperwork necessary to make the change officially from Clearwater Ministries Inc. to Fairbanks Youth Advocates. We can proceed to officially change our bylaws for a 501c3 name change as of this date.
New Timeline: Dave reported that we will not be able to complete our facility this season. Fifty-one percent of CDBG grant funds must be spent on design, permits, etc by December 31. Design/Build format. Timeline is six months later than anticipated.
Grants: BHAP $98,000 for a program director, shelter manager, case worker. ESG $21,000 for utilities and insurance. We can’t justify shelter manager, caseworker, or utilities since the facility will not be ready. We can justify our program director salary because she is working full time to get the shelter in place. We will ask for a portion of this money but will no longer get the entire amount.
Annual budget has been created by Brad and Marylee. At the time they met it was thought that the shelter would be open earlier. BCP grant $132,000 was for staff positions. This is a highly competitive national grant. Staff will continue to work on it for submission next year. This is a three year grant.Rodney cautioned us not to be grant dependent; so we will continue to operate if grants go away. Dave is intent on making the building extremely energy efficient which Rodney said will help us in secure potential grants.
Potential Redesign: Discussion of office space. Marylee and staff need a new officespace since what they are using will potentially be used for another counselor at Clearwater Counseling. Need to keep Dave Bates officesmore professional. Patrick suggested we look at another space. Marylee wondered if the basement in our facility would be operable this winter. Dave was unsure but thought it would be used for laundry, storage, etc. Office space is needed away from the shelter—five positions. Brad recommended leaving Dave’s office for counseling and find a place that meets our immediate needs. Put a package together with long-term plan that will work for some time. Dave said there are cheap, not so pretty offices available downtown. Marylee is going to ask Fairbanks Counseling and Adoption if they are staying in their present building.
Google docs: Patrick asked that we table this discussion until our next meeting.
Next Meeting: July 25, Tuesday at 5:00
Respectfully Submitted:
Barbara Tyndall
FYA Secretary
Oops – just noticed that the minutes say next meeting July 25 – but next meeting was scheduled for July 31.