Margarita Bell, our contact with the city – called with some disheartening news. She said the state was reviewing the MOA that we had with the city and they wanted to make the following changes:
“Please see excerpt from the grantor regarding the MOU and let me know if you would like to proceed.
- · Per regulation 570.489(j) the minimum requirements for compliance is for a period of five years after closeout of the CDBG grant with the state. However, per our CDBG grant agreement we stipulate in Attachment C – Standard Provisions under Article 31. Public Purposes that the “Grantee agrees that the project to which this Grant Agreement relates shall be dedicated to public purposes for its useful life.” By signing the grant agreement the City is agreeing that the facility will be used for a public purpose for the useful life of the facility, which would be more than the five years.
The City has not accepted the grant. We received the grant agreement this week and this issue developed before I had a chance to review the packet. I am planning to review the documents in the morning to determine if there are any other concerns.
Please keep in mind that they want it to be used for limited clientele for the useful life of the building. Limited clientele is defined as low to moderate income persons such as elderly or homeless. If your board agrees, please check with Rodney about the change in years (just in case). I look forward to your response.”
Please consider this change in language. We will discuss it Friday.
From the very beginning, and through the whole process this journey of the CDBG has felt a crazy kind of amazing experience. . . and in my spirit, I was constantly thinking, “Lord, what are you doing ?” “Only You could have thought of this route Lord.” Because we weren’t even looking – and the CDBG found us (through of course – the graciousness of other agencies who brought the need to light in city meetings). I really have felt – as the barriers melted away one at a time, that God was parting Red Sea after Red Sea – so to speak. What a privilege to be part of it.
In the last 3 weeks – for no specific reason – in my spirit, one of my prayers for FYA been “show yourself strong Lord.” All through this journey – I have not asked God to ‘make this happen’ so to speak – but pleaded with Him – if this is Your will (the CDBG) then make a way. We know shelter is His heart – we do not have to ask. But I also know if He is going to a great thing – or a greater thing – which one do we want? I think we would all say – He can do the greater thing. And I for one do not want to get in the way.
On one hand, it feels like nothing has changed. The building/location was a gift. As long as it serves 1) any youth who is a runaway or homeless, or 2) if it changes its function slightly – but serves low to moderate income citizens – it is still meeting the conditions of the grant.
What is hard about this ride is the very thing that is hard about our journey here on Earth. It really is a faith walk. And we really have to remind ourselves that we are not at the Helm, nor should we walk by sight. It is only through faith that we please God. These are the things that I have been reminding myself of – in the last few days. And I am guilty of feeling discouraged because the water just got deeper and I can’t see or predict how this new sea will part.
I look forward to our conversation tomorrow, starting at 5:00. Come with expectant hearts, and let’s trust Him to show us our next steps.
Ps 43:5 says Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again–my Savior and my God!
I doubt this is a question that Margarita can answer, but I’m curious if the city wants the Rescue Mission to back us for the 20 years, or, if they feel that a five year period reflects a span of time that ensures our organization is able to achieve a sustainable, state of operation, and therefore, they would be fine with not altering our current agreement with the FRM?
Margarita indicated that most likely – the council would not interested in having that close kind of relationship – and monitoring that is suggested in the earlier MOA’s for 20 years – that potentially – that could remain in place for 5 years and not 20.
“Useful life ” is considered 20 years.
If you have anything else that you want clarity on, please ask before the meeting so I can inquire of the city.
the years don’t bother me as much as broadening our serviced clientele. will the homeless youth feel comfortable with an expanded age group; even affluent families have youth who leave their homes for ‘legitimate’ reasons..
The grantor considers anyone homeless as low to moderate income. The other groups are abused children, battered spouses, disabled individuals, elderly, illiterate adults, and persons living with a disease.