As you may be aware the city has asked 2 documents from us.
1) A Memorandum of Understanding between us and the city; this was reviewed by a Lawyer friend (Thank you Danny) adjusted & turned in.
2) A letter of Guarantee – from the Fairbanks Rescue Mission’s board. Initially – this was agreed upon by the FRM ED (Rodney Gaskins) & the FRM board.
Both letters were due to the city today. Rodney was reviewing our Bylaws on line today and after discussing things with FRM board members – they’ve decided to not submit the signed document until we (Clearwater Ministries Inc.) clarify – the belief statements of our bylaws.
Patrick and I are meeting with Rodney and a FRM board member tomorrow morning, Wednesday, at 9:00. Pray please.
And stay tuned for more updates and decisions that will need to happen either
* incredibly fast to meet the 4/9 date of council meeting OR
* so-so fast – to meet the 4/23 council meeting
I think I will stop staying “no dull moments”. . . I wouldn’t mind one or two.