In General: There are no dull moments. God is good!
* Chamber of Commerce mtgs. 2/14 & 2/21. Each time, I’ve made 1 new contact. It is good to hear the stories that impact our community – directly from the agencies themselves.
* 1 Rescue Mission staff mtg. due to several cancellations and traveling,
* Spoke to the JPSOS AmeriCorps members during their weekly training: 2/14,
* We’ve begun to receive contacts from a wide variety of people and organizations:
Alpha Delta Kappa (considering giving us a donation)
Gay Straight Alliance student group
Anne Kristoff (artist involved in community wide projects)
ALPA (calling for a client that had a grand daughter. . . . etc.)
Eagle Scout: he’s going to make a game/book shelf and fill it for us
Family: Ongtooguks- wants to get involved
Dolly Casewell: Activist : human trafficking – knows a lot about state issue,
Dave Miller: Ideas around fund raising,
* 2/7 walked 4 people through the house on tenth. 2 folks were from state Licensing and 2 were from Behavioral Health. Since achieving our goal depends on them, I wanted to pull them in as soon as possible.
* Sarah and I are planning on putting in a lot of time this spring and summer of getting the word out about what the shelter project through community events like Clucking Blossom, Angry Young & Poor, and TVMarket and Downtown Market. All these will not be an annual thing, but this year we need to do it to build our ‘friend’ base, and get the word out. As a board, please consider joining us for short snips of time. There will be a sign up sheet for the entire summer at the May meeting.
Provider Meetings:
* Arctic Alliance, *Fairbanks Housing and Homeless Coalition
* Arctic Alliance/Interior Delegation at the LIO: 2/14. They meet every other week at 8:15 a.m. This is an important bridge to build for future policies sensitive to RHY (Runaway and Homeless Youth) at the state level. Right now I am on a steep learning curve – the vocab is new and I sit, mouth closed, ears open.
* FHHC 2/16
2/9 & 2/10 National Alliance to End Homelessness Conference in L.A.:
A Blueprint for Ending Youth Homelessness
Rapid Rehousing for Unaccompanied Youth: An Effective Housing Solution
Emergency Housing Solutions for Runaway and Homeless Youth
Family Reunification: Promising Approaches, Promising Outcomes
Housing and Service Interventions for Youth and Youth Parents
Protecting Homeless Youth from Sexual Trafficking
2/15 Foraker Class: The basics of Raising Money
2/29 Foraker Class: Building Relationships for Sustainable income
Donations & Fundraising:
* Updated the donate page on our website. We received $600 for sponsorship towards my trip to LA. FYA/Clearwater came up with difference. My travel was covered with donated miles.
* Fair is near impossible to participate in; 15 others waiting first – to be a “Vendor” & “Non-profit” status cannot sell anything.
* Tanana Valley Farmer’s Market & Downtown Market: reasonably priced, can do it as often or as little as we like,
* We are settling in on:
– May: Street Stories: a collection of stories of homeless youth presented in a monologue style (written by Sarah, with support of Kitty and ???)
– June & July: Farmers Market and Downtown market (Wednesdays and Mondays)
– September: a sleep out with a community wide youth group – cardboard city, they get pledges to sleep out overnight, raising awareness and the need,
– November: Candlelight Vigil/ Open House/
– February or March 2013: Project Runaway or other Funk Fashion Show (Annual Event)
Other Projects:
*Computer Upgrades: We had to upgrade Sarah’s computer to run Windows 7 with more hard drive. We purchased a new printer/fax/scanner because old one would not receive wireless communications nor scan which we needed in order to submit grants. Clearwater Counseling has to use the old one for HIPPA security issues. Both printer/faxes are being used currently. FYA will keep new one when we move.
*Gary Pedretty provided all the technology/ labor for free.
*2/1/2012 we submitted an AHFC grant (BHAP/ESG) for operating money for dates 7/1/2012 to 6/30/2013. We should hear in March.
*Have begun talking with Dave B. about second counselor – focused on youth and family issues. Am looking at State AK grants to help support this counselor.
* Facebook & Twitter: slowly building our family at-large.
* Taxes: Arlene Koening is done with Clearwater Counseling’s and Kathie said A. wants info from us in QB form. I’m waiting for A.’s contact to see if she will accept info – in other format.
*HOURS: please log on once a month to FYA gmail. Go to documents and find “Volunteer Hours” and add your hours to the grid.
* Website: Sarah is doing many amazing things – but this is just one of her projects. Take a look at it when you can.