Please see Dave’s scanned applicationKMBT20020120228170943
Dave Miller is the owner of Landmark Inc., a construction firm that builds quality homes and also hosted the Extreme Makeover project a few years back. Dave has often acted as a board member and advised us well over the last year. We invited him to be a board member over a year ago. His response is from a personal invitation.
I vote to accept Dave Miller as a board member
Dave’s contributions have been invaluable to us. I am delighted that he is interested in being a board member and cast my vote in favor accepting his application.
I just returned from Uganda last night. It was an amazing trip. I even had an opportunity to visit a state run facility near our village that provided services for the street kids in Kampala–some just babies. They were decidedly Christian and could preach the Gospel there freely. The first lady of Uganda is a spirit-filled Christian and this is one of her projects.