Notes from 12/9/2011, submitted by Marylee
4:00 – 6:00, Clearwater Office (Patrick, Barb, Marylee, + Vista Sara Smith, & Dave Bates present, Rhema absent)
*Barry called 12/9/2011 to resign.
We reviewed Board Expectations. We initially accepted them, but later decided to revisit them after Rodney Gaskins offered the FRM policies for us to use as a template.
Bylaws: we agreed that these were next to work on, especially editing the statement of faith.
Patrick, Barb and Marylee have opened a new account at Alaska USA. All 3 are signers on the account. It was agreed that we would close out the Spirit of AK account and place the funds in the new account.
At 4:30 Rodney joined us and just began to share:
Our agencies are working together is an opportunity to score for the community. Also this is an opportunity for the FRM to address the problems of homelessness NOW instead of later. The community needs to learn to trust us, we need to develop our own track record. Through use of letters to the editor, Community Perspective, & Thank yous the community will learn to trust the agency by trusting the face of the agency, primarily, the Director. The FRM is going to hold FYA like a parent holds onto a child’s bicycle seat while the child is learning to ride. Call people with Thank Yous. Let them know you are grateful for their giving! Make opportunities for many to give. Tithing, tithe to other agencies, not from donations, but from your organizational income. Rescue mission will share policies and employee handbook with us. FYA Board needs to develop Executive Directors Limitations, procedures, policies, job descriptions, statement of faith, etc. and set the standards high. If there is a conflict, it is not between 2 people, it is with the standard.
Sarah also reported on some fundraiser readings:
1. We are looking to do Alice in the underground in the spring
2. High School Sleep Out: cardboard Shanti Town. . . take pledges to over night
3. Art community: participate in a first Friday
4. Family Put Put night – (since family reunification is our goal)
5. Sponsorships: pillow, blanket, bed, kid, etc.
6. May: Clothing Drive /UAF students
*Barb volunteered her school(North Pole Christian) to do a blanket drive.
Patrick adjourned at 6:04 and suggested we teleconference as we need.
Notes from 11/13/2011, submitted by Marylee
10:00 – 12:00 at Clearwater Counseling Office
(Patrick, Marylee, Barb via phone, Barry, and Dave in attendance, Rhema absent)
Sale of House: $73,000.00, 5 year payment delay, escrow held at 1st National Bank of Alaska
Candlelight Vigil: 11/9/2011 largest attendance and participation yet, got channel 11 news coverage, Mayor Cleworth read a Proclamation on behalf of all 3 mayors
that Marylee had submitted and written with Leona McDaniels. Marylee spoke, Rodney Gaskins spoke.
City Council meeting to discuss sponsorship of CDBG project; 11/14/2011: all should attend, Patrick will speak for the board, Marylee will speak directly to the council’s concerns, Barb will speak from the DJJ perspective. Marylee has invited other agency heads to speak.
Essential Accounting: Lindsay will help us set up our books and files and help us get off to the right start. We still need a treasurer on the board.
Future Board Members: Marylee will design an application that includes what we expect in board members including participation, contribution, Blog responses, and attendance at meetings, expected work role, roles and responsibilities, etc.
Marylee will report to the board through blog section titled: Director’s Notes, as appropriate. Board members are encouraged to ask for info they need or make suggestions for things they would like to see.
Policies: be expecting to see some policies come forward. Anticipate commenting and passing.
Web Page: Patrick suggested that Sarah & Marylee join him in reviewing the website/blog to make changes and upgrades as necessary. The board has been asked to review the website and make suggestions on the blog, prior to our December 9th meeting.
Sarah: coming 11/17/2011 – working on getting an office ready for her, 1 computer donated, need to get her set up with phone + internet
Board Donations: all board members need to have made a donation. If not please do so before our next meeting.
Dave Reported that Clearwater Counseling billed out about $22,000.00. in gross receipts. He thinks that is an all time high. We collected about $15,000.00 in income. The bank account gained about $4000.00 in ‘profit’ after bills were paid.
Alice in the Underground: we’ve got a script and permission to do it. Sarah/vista, Kitty, Sarah Finnell, and Marylee will meet to discuss doing the play this spring 11/28/2011. We discussed dedicating a large part of our next meeting to a discussion around fundraising.
Notes from 10/26/2011, submitted by Marylee
4:30 – 4:50 p.m. via teleconference
(Patrick, Marylee, Rhema, Barb, and guest Dave Miller)
Marylee shared regarding the City’s interest in applying for a Community Development Block Grant, CDBG, on behalf of Clearwater Ministries INC for the renovation of the house to be used as shelter.
The City of Fairbanks assured Marylee in a meeting, that the property never will be in the city’s possession, but remain in Clearwater’s ownership, should the city decide to follow through with this project. The city also assured Marylee that the Board of Directors for Clearwater would be asked for guidance and input and that the city is interested in seeing our goals and interests attained.
The city has asked for copies of the engineers report and access to the building. Pat Smith, from the city, is to make a preliminary decision by this Friday, 10/28/2011.
The Clearwater Board, unanimously approved that we support moving ahead with this project, knowing that the final decision is yet to be made by the city.
Barb also reported that paper work from Yukon Title, regarding the sale of the house, has been sent to Patrick and Marylee.
Notes from 10/2/2011, submitted by Marylee
10-12 (Barry, Patrick, Barb, Marylee, Dave, guest Dave Miller)
Rhema sent word for a ride but it was not received until after mtg.
Dave Miller: He is interested in this project for the sake of the kids. He sees 3 barriers to fund raising:
Ownership of the house – private vs agency
Involvement of Paul: he might be able to reach people that Dave cannot
Funds/Grants/funding/ Etc.
Dave also discussed the renovations of the house and a bandaid approach vs. ground up. If a bandaid approach, then there will be constant need for repairs + kids displaced as renovations, continue etc.
The board agreed with Dave Miller. Barb said we should strive for Excellence and there was unanimous agreement by voting members.
Patrick and marylee are going to attempt to meet with Paul Sauers 10/13 and discuss the assistance that we need.
Grants: We did not get the BCP grant from the feds. We perceive this as an opportunity to take more time to renovate the shelter and prepare the program. Marylee submitted an intent to apply for BHAP/ESG money with the state. She is also taking the week long grant writing class in October.
We are looking at a new start date of July 1.
Google Documents: a financial statement can be found on our FYA account so that we can all see the expenses of the house. Marylee will plug in the numbers that she and Dave are aware of.
Insurance: Barry will explore house insurance. Allstate has threatened to drop, due to grass needing to be cut, etc. Also, they want the house occupied immediately, etc.
Marylee’s new title is Program Director for FYA. Patrick is President but also filling in as Treasurer until the portion of the board can be filled. Barb was unanimously voted in V.President. She also indicated that she was very interested in fundraising. Marylee remains secretary.
Marylee agreed to assist Rhema in exploring recruiting a SIFE member for the Treasurer’s position.
Purchase of the house:
Barb will contact Alan Corrick & Mike Walsh to discuss terms of agreement.
It was unanimously decided that we should renew our membership.
Marylee will pay that.
Patrick suggested a 10/24/2011 committal date for contributions to FYA. All were in agreement.
Donor response:
Electronic vs written: it was decided to respond in writing to written donations and Electronically to donations via Paypal.
Stationary: Patrick provided a sample of stationary. Dave Miller made recommendations for additional pieces of info. All agreed and also agreed in the future to accept business cards.
Vista: Sarah will be coming mid November. All should be watching out for her. She needs housing and potentially transportation.
We will be getting donations from Denali Princess Lodge & Dave Miller and marylee will go to Interior Neighborhood Housing on Tuesday for donations as well.
Bylaws: some are out of date. Be watching the blog posts for suggested changes from Marylee.
Canopy Name: Patrick brought up and it was discussed regarding the name of Clearwater Ministries INC, not saying who we were. The board agreed that the Canopy name should be Fairbanks Youth Advocates INC. and that should replace Clearwater Ministries. Marylee will explore this process with Mike Walsh and Gary Corrick.
Next meeting: Nov. 6 or the 13th? Sorry – can’t remember?
Meeting Notes from September 2, 2011 (submitted by marylee)
6:00 – 7:30 (Barry, Patrick, Marylee, Dave – no quorum)
New website/ eventually also blog site
Rack Cards –
House and house topics
Purchase of house from Marylee
Insurance issues/corner of roof
Reduced property taxes for 501c3
List of needs for Neighborhood housing
Need a contractor/ Mr. Paul Sours?
Future board members –
Next board meeting: 10/2/2011 Sunday 10-12 ? dave and marylee’s
Interviews: 19th telephone (marylee, barry, pat agreed to meet)
Insurance – worker’s comp –
Office space? Help find affordable housing –
AmeriCorps members: do we charge for rent? utilities?
Agreed $200.00
Grants: How do we feel about them:
We discussed being a strong community supported organization, but to write for grants sparingly and as needed. Barry and Patrick discussed supporting marylee in taking an intensive grant writing workshop The Funding Exchange and that Clearwater would cover the costs. Patrick made a motion, Barry Second – (Barb we need your vote here)
Sustainability: talking to other in the community – getting the word out – growing the counseling center – with at least 1 more staff
Meeting Notes from August 5, 2011
6:30-9 at Pats (Barb, Rhema, Marylee, Barry, Kitty, Pat, Dave)
Reviewed Punch list for house
Discussed “138 tenth” items as posted by Marylee on 7/28/2011
Divided tasks:
Dave & Barry: Housing and related issues
Patrick: PR and Website:
Barb and Marylee: Program & PR
Rhema: SIFE (Students In Free Enterprise)
Next Meeting: Friday, September 9th, 6pm. Location TBA
Homework Reminder:
1) read the grant before next meeting – it’s the basic road map – even if we do not get the funding.
2) establish work groups, communications, direction for the tasks as listed above.
Meeting Notes from May 30, 2011
10-12:00 a.m. /The Bates
Present: Barry, Patrick, Dave, Sandy, Montie, and Marylee
We named ourselves Interior Youth Transitions, (MSP, Patrick/Montie)
Several names that were provided for additional board members, and those names will be pursued. Election of officers will be delayed until a later date.
Patrick is going to look into a logo contest and we discussed providing $250.00 to the winner. Patrick also offered to design a web site for Interior Youth Transitions.
Dave provided an update for Clearwater. Financially, Clearwater conservatively gains 10,000.00 every 6 months. We supported Dave in the decision to enlarge Clearwater by taking on a youth minded counselor.
Marylee provided an update regarding the Emergency Shelter money that is being applied for by Joel’s Place. JP will contract with Clearwater to operate a 24 hr. / emergency shelter for youth 12-18. A decision was made to call it The Door.
Next meeting: July 25th, Monday evening, 5-7:00 p.m. Moose Mountain, Patrick’s.
Meeting Notes from March 8th, 2011
A Board training was held with Mike Walsh from 4-6 at DOH. The training: Board Roles and Responsibilities.
Meeting Notes for February, 2011
As per our online discussions dated in February, Barb Tyndall was accepted as a board member. MSP ( Patrick, Marylee)
Meeting Notes for January 20th, 2011
As per our online discussion dated in January, bylaw 4.2 was proposed to read that “All Directors need not be of the Christian faith, but shall not be opposed to it.” Motioned passed, MSP, (Patrick, Barry) & Marylee. Submitted by Marylee
Meeting Notes for January 11, 2011 5-6:00 pm
Present: Barry, Marylee & Patrick
We accepted the resignation of Kathie Gettinger and Lyle Greshover from the board and the 3 if us continued the conversation sharing each of our own intentions and commitments to the mission of the outreach part of Clearwater Ministries Inc.
We discussed additional community members for the board; Barry contributed a significant number, having come with a list. We agreed 3 to 4 more people would be appropriate.
We also discussed the idea of having a few “satellite” board members in addition to the regular board. These would be contributers of talent, skill, or knowledge, that would make themselves available 1-2 times a year for meetings, but not attend all 6 meetings.
Patrick, with laptop, shared that he had been working on a Clearwater blog idea. This would be a mechanism for carrying on conversation and updates that need not wait for the next meeting. He also provided an introduction to Google Calendar.
We also agreed to tentative dates for our next meetings, however, these dates are not in stone. So tentative still spontaneous as possible.