Some thoughts on the communication aspect of FYA. Sarah is arriving soon and she will need a phone. In today’s world, a land line is good, but not really suitable as an only means of contact. What do you all think about getting a cell phone for FYA, which would be held by the person in the position that Sarah is going to hold? It need not be an expensive plan or an expensive phone, but in my opinion it is critical. I think it is something we are obligated to offer. Any one else have thoughts or ideas?
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That sounds like a good plan Marylee, once that number is secured, we can get business cards going for Sarah
I agree. Especially in this time we are in. There is a landline/phone to her office so that she could call out if she needed, it is the same line as clearwater counseling, which Dave, understandably, is not interested in sharing it (as in business card and incoming calls) as it interferes with business. But if she needed to she can call out on it. Another business line would cost quite a bit of $$. The gci phone that Joel’s Place had for me was not only discounted, but aspects of the service were free because of the nonprofit status.
I will take Sarah to AT & T tomorrow, since that is where we have our accounts personally, and then compare it to gci. ????
That sounds fine to me.