10/2/11 Agenda items:
Michelle Harpol is considering joining the board.
Rhema, please contact SIFE – etc. thank you.
Dave Miller will be attending the meeting this Sunday.
Agenda items so far:
Some of this we can knock out now, if people get on to the site.
Purchase of house 138th tenth
Dave Miller: proposed renovations for house + CCHRC + other
ideas for $$
Interior Neighborhood Housing
Denali Princess Lodge give away
Vista update: Interview update + arrival of Sarah
Vista Needs: housing/office space
Update on grants
Officers – we must have a Treasurer & V. President – accountability
Marylee needs a title (FYA Program Director? or Project Coordinator) it is important when applying for grants –
Letter head – for – the ASK
Request for $$$
Foraker Renewal, Foraker membership is up 10/1/2011