Hey all, here are a few thoughts on subjects needing to be discussed at our meeting on Monday. Please give a little thought beforehand so we can make some quick progress. Also, please feel free to add anything.
- Communication protocol, blog interface and interaction expectations
- Officer positions
- Discussion of additional board members
- Establishing a name that clearly identifies the current “clearwater ministries”, more specifically. If we can brainstorm on this, and share ideas at our meeting, that would help move the process along.
- Once a name is established, we can proceed with getting a public presence established via a website which can express to interested parties what and who we are.
- Consider some preliminary ideas about a scholarship fund, its possible recipients and methods of applying, selecting, awarding.
- Shelter update from Marylee
- Name for shelter
Today’s Minutes are updated on the blog. If you have suggestions or corrections, please let me know and I will make the adjustments.
I will give a quick update as to finances, and talk abit about hiring someone on in the fall