This is one of the grants that Family Focus, here in Fairbanks, held years ago. It is for 24/7 emergency shelter for Run Away and Homeless Youth- for up to 21 days of care. This is not Transition $ nor is it Drop In Center $$. There is a cap for $100,000.00 per year, for 3 years. If you access the link, you will see that it says it is 41 pages. Ignore that. . . .if you can get through the first 15 pages . . . .you will know most everything about the grant.
6 of us, representing 4 agencies, got together today to discuss it. What was suggested is that I will write the grant as the AmeriCorps Director with Linda from Joel’s Place, and Linda, from JP, will sign for the grant. (We can help staff it with AmeriCorps members and I can use my normal work hours to do this) But, JP will not run the grant. They would like to sub contract with Clearwater to run the program. Linda already asked her board. They feel the time is now and are very supportive of this arrangement with Clearwater. This particular $$ is not spend-it get reimbursed. It is $$ that is granted to the agency and then drawn down – so this does not jeapordize JP’s program.
This $ will not purchase a building, but it will pay rent and anything else. As you can imagine, with only $100,000.00 per year, we would put into place memorandums of agreement with lots of other agencies to help provide services.
This grant does not expect a brand new program to start day 1 of the grant. If we were awarded, they would give us 6 months. Personally, to be awarded in October and not start until the following March/April doesn’t make the best sense – thinking of our winters.
I feel I need your support to move forward. Please respond as soon as possible. If you feel more information is needed, we can possibly get together Sunday? 1:00? 4:00? (Montie leaves town 5/1)
I looked this over and I have a few questions that I will not ask here but feel to call me.
I just looked this over and it certainly looks like it serves our purposes well. I would vote to proceed and apply for this grant. The arrangement with JP is a great fit as well.
Are we meeting in May? It is official for me. I leave May 15 for Anchorage to help my parents and then return on the 19th. I leave on the red eye on the 20th for DC and return June 2. Should be around the rest of June! Sorry.