Meeting Notes for December 13, 2010 8:05 – 9:10
Present: Barry, Kathie, Marylee, Pat & Dave
We reviewed the strategic plan and accepted an amended version:
Our Core Purpose: Facilitating life transitions for at-risk and vulnerable youth
Our Core Values: Unconditional Love, Hope, Restoration, Compassion, Faith
Long-Term Goal (2015)
Clearwater Ministries is recognized by at-risk and vulnerable youth, and respected by the community, as a safe place to get help.
Vivid Description for long-term goal:
• The work of Clearwater Ministries is focused on the whole person – a holistic approach to addressing the needs of at-risk and vulnerable youth in transition. Many of those transitions have roots in housing.
• Clearwater Ministries will be an effective partner working with other agencies to cover the continuum of care for at-risk and vulnerable youth.
• The specific services of Clearwater Ministries will ebb and flow, but overall the outcomes will be enduring – healing, independence and stability.
Annual Operating Plan (FY 2011-2012)
NOW Goal
• Finalize federal tax exempt 501(c)3 status.
6-12 Months
•Develop the Governance Board
o Use the Foraker Board Recruitment Matrix to determine board needs
o Develop Board Job Descriptions for board members and officers
o Finalize a meeting schedule (quarterly? Bi-monthly? Monthly?)
•Finalize the name for the current Clearwater Ministries
o A name that more accurately reflects the Core Purpose and Core Values
•Board to complete Foraker’s “Basic Board Roles and Responsibilities” Training
•Scholarship Program I solidified, and a plan for implementation developed
o Includes describing Core Purpose and Core Values of the program, as well as determining a long-term goal, and building a skeleton of procedures for submission, review and determination of eligibility.
12-18 Months
• Put together a white paper on “The State of At-Risk and Vulnerable Youth in Fairbanks,” as a mechanism for describing what is already going on already for at-risk and vulnerable youth.
o As a way to help guide the services provided by
• Develop a Business Plan for Sustainability
December 13th minutes continued:
• We discussed working on the 3 bullets under ‘Develop the Governance Board’ for the next year.
• We decided to begin meeting bi-monthly: Jan., March, May, July, Sept., & Nov.
• We discussed a wide variety of meeting times & really the same time is not convenient for anyone. The result? Meet the second TUESDAY of every other month for the necessary amount of time.
• The federal tax exempt pkt. was sent in and received, no word back on it yet.
Meeting Notes for November 1, 2010 9:00 – 12:00
All board members were present + guest, Mike Walsh, Foraker
We spent the morning working through a strategic planning session focused on what the ministry would be for Clearwater, apart from the counseling business.
Meeting Notes for September 29, 2010 12:00 – 12:10
Members Present: Marylee, Patrick & Barry & Dave
A short meeting was called for the purpose of passing a Conflict of Interest Policy. Since a quorum existed, the meeting continued. The Conflict of Interest Policy was discussed. A motion was made and passed, Barry/Patrick.
Meeting Notes for September 21, 2010 9:00 – 9:15 a.m.
Members Present: Dave Bates, Lyle Gresehover, Patrick Endres, Barry Berner, Marylee Bates,
The Board met for the purpose of passing the Bylaws. Patrick made a motion that we accept the bylaws as written, Barry provided the second. The motion passed unanimously. Meeting was adjourned.
Meeting Notes for July 19, 2010 8:00-9:00 a.m.
Members Present: Dave Bates, Lyle Gresehover, Patrick Endres, Barry Berner, Marylee Bates, Kathie Gettinger,
Financial Report:
• We have $30,000. + in checking and savings.
• Kathie will transfer $15,000. into “other savings” for future use
• Keep $10,000.00 in checking for operations
• Look into 60 day or 90 day CD’s, etc.
Director’s Report:
• New Place: paying $750.00/month rent BUT we need to ask about signs
• Corina is on and has 1 client a week but is observing some of Dave’s
• They are going to write a proposal to OCS & Access Alaska for discount therapy to get C. some clients. She cleans for 1 hour and is paid $20.00.
• They had their first Bariatric client – using 3 different assessments to determine the eligibility and potential successfulness of the operation. Corina wrote the report and did an excellent job. C. will work with these clients in the future.
• Website – check in with John Bourne. Look at Willow Physical Therapy’s site and Lorrie Kleins. Start developing ideas for the website.
• Taxes: we realized we never filed the proper paperwork to be a federally recognized nonprofit.
• Foraker: 8:00 is scheduled time, later time is requested. Marylee will look into it, format, thoughts in preparation of, timing, etc.
Meeting Notes for April 24th, 2010 10-12:00
• Members Present:Dave Bates, Lyle Gresehover, Patrick Endres, Barry Berner, Marylee Bates, Meeting began 10:05
Financial Report:
• 2009 income for Jan. – March = $27,900.00
• 2010 income for Jan – March = $38,700.00
• Bringing in more, but also giving away more
• We have a total of $20,000.00 in the savings account.
• Dave shared about taking on Corina Dick. It was suggested that he research a few other agencies and see what kind of contracts they have with their counselors. Barry suggested we ask Corina if she is able to support our youth focus goals. Dave has a meeting next week with her and will talk about these things.
• Rent: It was decided that we look for a place that meets our client’s needs:
– in town -out of the church – handicapped accessible
– a comfortable environment – 3 rooms + reception
• Pat and Berry agreed to help Dave look at possibilities as they are found.
• Website: YES! Dave shared that he also liked the idea of having a website that was a resource for clients. Pat suggested WordPress. Marylee referenced Heather Taggard’s name and agreed to link Heather and Pat up for further questions.
• we agreed that this need is a priority and should be looked into immediately.
• Foraker: It was agreed that late October/early November – the board would have a planning & goal setting session with Foraker’s Mike Walsh. In September, we’ll complete a membership application.
• 936 9th House Tour Recap: After sharing differing thoughts and opinions on 936, it was decided that the house idea needs to wait until after we set our direction and goals.
• Miscellaneous:
• Marylee has been asked to chair a youth subcommittee for the Fairbanks Homeless Coalition. (The youth focus group will mesh with this group)
• Sarah Finnell & Katie Robb, from FCA’s Street Outreach and Advocacy Program invited us to Alice & the Underground play, May 7,8, 14, 15th at 7:00 p.m. It is a play written by their Vista, Cassidy, and performed by some of the kids and other friends of SOAP.
• Thank you notes were signed for Vince, Cathie R. and Sarah F.
• The recent Covenant House Report was shared.
• Meetings: We will start meeting on Monday mornings 8:00 a.m. Tentatively, the next meetings are set for:
• July 19th,
• November 1
• Meeting adjourned at 12:05, notes by Marylee
Meeting Notes for December 4, 2009 4:30
• Members Present: Dave Bates, Kathie Gettinger, Lyle Gresehover, Barry Berner, Marylee Bates, Patrick Endres
• Meeting began 4:50 (Lyle!!!)
Financial Report :
• Month of August appeared to be low in income – due to bulk write offs from previous year.
• Arlene K., CPA, has provided assistance to Kathie and will help with 990- Easy form for filing taxes.
• Arlene K. reported to Kathie that after looking at the books and our account that Clearwater was in good shape and our situation was simple and straightforward.
• Dave’s salary is underpaid at this time, for about $10,500.00
Director’s Report:
• Work is brisk, best month, best week yet.
• Dave will try to be more proactive regarding talking to clients about payments.
• Dave did get relicensed – LPC – Licensed Professional Counselor
• Dave should be getting his supervisors license in the mail too.
• He is also waiting for certification from the American Association of Christian Sex Therapists.
Other items:
• Rent Increase: Clearwater received an updated rental contract from the DOH finance committee. Rent is currently 500.00 but DOH is asking for $650.00 starting in January 2010. The board agreed that Dave needed to decide whether this space was working or not; and 2) Clearwater needs to inform DOH finance committee exactly what we are about and why we exist. Dave agreed to draft a letter and send it to Pat, as president. As a board, we thought it should come from him.
• Ministry Proposal: the board gave permission for the focus group to explore the possibilities.
• Youth Outreach – timeline: Lyle suggested and it was agreed – that Sarah Finnell, FCA, would come and talk to the board at a meeting primarily focused on learning more about the street youth population and their needs.
Next meeting: Monday, February 8, 2010. Focus: Street Youth
Meeting was done at 6:20 p.m.