Out in the Cold
November 14, 2013Pass The Hat
December 11, 2013– From The Director –
Heavy on my heart is the bottom line; how do we show love to a population that for the most part, has known so much rejection?
Do we even have a right to love the youth, our guests? We aren’t trying to replace their family – but if we all have a need to love and be loved – then don’t we have a mandate to love? If so, what does this love look like? Then do we say we love youth and not love ourselves, or each other? Do we need a reason to love, is it really based on performance? No, we just love. At the shelter, we don’t pick and choose who to love, we just love. But how do we model healthy love?
A few months ago I heard a teaching by Charles Swindoll and it has shaped what I want our love message to be to each other and to the youth. It is called the ABC’s of love.
If we love, then
We Accept you as you are,
We Believe you are valuable,
We Care when you hurt,
We Desire what is best for you,
We Erase all past offenses,
We’ve been thinking alot about love messages. What do these love messages look like? They may be expressed through a gift of a quilt or knitted hat, art on the walls, sitting and listening, or playing cards. Maybe love appears as a pot of soup or even a written message on the wall. Because of you, the kids are receiving messages like this. If you would like to send a written note, we invite you to share it with us. Your words are powerful….
May the Holidays find you surrounded with love,
do justly, love mercy, walk humbly,
– Marylee
One Year Ago
We at FYA are also marking a year since we opened our doors. This wouldn’t be possible without people like you!
We officially opened our doors last December 1st, welcoming in our first youth – and we have never had an empty night.
In the last year we have seen:
- 166 different youth
- 70% males
- As many as 21 overnighters in one night.
- Our youngest at 2wks old.
To make this possible were:
- 55 shelter volunteers who’ve served a collective 1700 hours directly with youth.
- We’ve stayed open by having 2 adults awake with youth at all times – thanks in large part to our many shelter volunteers and their partner staff.
- More than ten groups have given us 220 hours of service on specific projects.
Donations have helped us meet our needs:
- 99% of food has been donated
- 3000+ meals have been served
- We remain able to meet personal needs (clothing, hygiene, food) through community contributions.
Thank YOU ALL for making this happen.
We are honored, blessed, and filled with gratitude.
– The FYA Gang