Saying Goodbye
June 16, 2015
One Homeless Night – A big success
September 18, 2015
This coming Friday, 9/11, we will hold our 2nd annual fundraiser, One Homeless Night. Who knew that sleeping out…so that kids don’t have to…could be so much fun?! Last year 55 people of all ages dedicated one homeless night to help raise funds in support of the youth staying and who will stay – at The Door. Join us in supporting this event and learn how you can help make a difference in the lives of kids.
It’s not too late to participate. Register for this Friday’s event. Then ask your family or friends to pledge in support of your commitment to sleep out.
Sleeping out isn’t your thing? Not a problem! Support someone else who is. Go here and click the red Donate button. You can help someone else reach their goal and help raise funds for The Door. All donations are tax deductible.